Detailed Mechanism Funding and Narrative

Years of mechanism: 2008 2009

Details for Mechanism ID: 4021
Country/Region: South Africa
Year: 2008
Main Partner: U.S. Department of State
Main Partner Program: NA
Organizational Type: Other USG Agency
Funding Agency: enumerations.State/African Affairs
Total Funding: $200,000

Funding for Management and Operations (HVMS): $200,000


The Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy in South Africa will carry out, with PEPFAR funding,

targeted outreach to print and electronic media and the public in support of increased awareness of

PEPFAR priorities, projects, and success stories.


Public knowledge of and appreciation for the accomplishments of PEPFAR in South Africa remain lower

than desired, due in part to media fatigue for HIV and AIDS issues, as well as limited USG resources, both

budgetary and personnel, which have precluded the capacity to orchestrate a continuing nationwide media

campaign. Though awareness and exposure have improved in FY 2007, more can be done in FY 2008 to

ensure appropriate public appreciation for this unprecedented U.S. investment.


A multi-media program of direct placements (paid and otherwise) in print and electronic media is an

important means of increasing public awareness of PEPFAR activities in South Africa. As the large majority

of South Africans receive their news via radio, this program would focus largely on the development and

placement of radio programs around the country. In addition, the program would develop a series of print

notices for placement in major newspapers, focusing on key PEPFAR themes and accomplishments, and

featuring individuals benefiting from PEPFAR programs, supported by a special website where readers

could learn more about PEPFAR and make comments. Finally, this program will support press participation

in PEPFAR site visits, training programs, and other activities.

The Public Affairs section will request support to establish a baseline of public knowledge of PEPFAR in

early FY 2008 via nationwide survey. (Note: this survey is neither a Public Affairs nor PEPFAR mechanism,

but rather a recurring national survey conducted by the State Department's Office of Research. Public

Affairs will request permission to incorporate survey content to assess knowledge of PEPFAR programs.)

Follow-up focus groups and surveys will measure message penetration.

The Public Affairs Section will conduct programs for journalists and PEPFAR partners to educate them on

PEPFAR as a whole and USG health policy and funding priorities in order to promote positive coverage of

PEPFAR and expand public recognition and understanding of the program. The Public Affairs Section will

also conduct other programs that support public diplomacy activities related to PEPFAR. Projected activities

and outcomes include:

-Development and placement of PEPFAR program descriptions, success stories, personal histories, etc. in

key national print outlets.

-Continuation of radio features and program profiles in selected provinces (to include KwaZulu-Natal,

Gauteng, and Western Cape) to run on key community and commercial broadcasters.

-Targeted promotion of PEPFAR activities, including project launches, Ambassador's media events, and

output announcements in regional print and broadcast outlets.